Hi there 👋 On this page, we centralise what defines us, so that you can have a good hang of who we are. Whether you are just curious, new at Mbrella, or considering joining us, this page should be helpful for you!

This page is public, so feel free to share. If you want to get in touch: [email protected]


New here?

What is Mbrella?

History of Mbrella

Official entity name and address

How we work

Our values and leadership principles

How we (don't) do meetings

How we use Slack

How we do weekly self-reporting

Tools we use

Perks & Policies

Unlimited time off

Mobility Budget

Salary grid & stock options


Team Mbrella

The Mbrella Team

Our investors

Open roles

Hiring process

Your first week at Mbrella!

Mbrella in the news

D'Ieteren pompt 6 miljoen euro in hr-platform Mbrella




Mbrella is hr-tech start-up van het jaar

Voici la start-up RH de l'année en Belgique

Brusselse startup Mbrella haalt 2,5 miljoen euro op

HR-startup Mbrella maakt flexibele mobiliteit gratis voor KMO's - FLEET.be

Une filiale de D'Ieteren lance une plateforme "freemium" de mobilité pour PME

Mobiliteit wordt prioriteit, ook bij KMO's

Mbrella rend l'accès à sa plateforme "mobilité" gratuit pour les PME

Donnons à chaque employé son budget mobilité!